Welcome to The Home Cooks Kitchen!
We're back and we've got some MASSIVE CHANGES which we/I am so excited about!
If you've been following us, then you would know that we were formally Healthy Pears - Healthy Food for Two, however we've decided to have a huge change up in 2017 and focus more on the things we love to do - cook really good food.
So, as of today we will be launching 'The Home Cooks Kitchen,' where our focus will be on food that is simple, flavourful, fresh and home cooked. So I will be delivering some beautiful, mostly healthy, mostly seasonal dishes for you, including new and delicious salads, comfort meals, fresh, easy and quick meals for busy people and foods for a crowd!
Why the Change Up?
We originally planned Healthy Pears as a way to kind of keep us on track with our healthy eating for our wedding. Needless to say, it didn't work. Three days before our wedding I couldn't even fit into my dress, so it can be assumed that my plan didn't really work.
Another thing I realised, was that I didn't really have a huge passion for cooking ridiculously healthy food. Sure I still tuck into the occasional bliss ball at work, but it is not something I was overly concerned or focused on. I got quite bored in the end trying to just focus on super healthy food, when reality was, I was never really going to get passionate about it.
I hated the fact that I was always recreating foods that people had already done, or trying to overly complicate food.
To me, food should always be cooked with love and should be kept simple and fresh. I love cooking huge healthy salads, but I also love to indulge once in a while and cook something with Adam like a huge batch of lamb shanks or a really good curry.
I see food as a way of having a creative outlet, and I damn well love eating it. Food is a way of bringing people together, and that's what I love about it. I love cooking for a crowd, I love cooking for just us. Experimenting with new flavours and dishes gets me so excited, and I want to be able to blog about it!
So that is why we have had the change, and I am just so excited that I am heading in a direction more suited to my lifestyle and actual passion!
What to Expect From 'The Home Cooks Kitchen'?
- Food that is simple, flavourful, fresh and home cooked - you will find a bunch of new, delicious recipes that are a good balance between healthy and a not so healthy.
- Posts twice a week - I am aiming for Tuesdays and Thursdays. As I am working full time, I am restricted to when I can photograph, so I will be doing my photographing on weekends until the Summer rolls around. Over school holidays you might expect there to be a little more activity on the blog.
- I am now in charge of the blog, Adam has taken a step back, but still helps me with the tech stuff I get confused with.
- You will find a range of food from different cultures. I have travelled a lot and love to cook different cuisines, so get excited for some epic flavour hits.
- Food that can be cooked for a crowd - entertaining is probably one of my favourite things to do, and I want to share our go to meals for cooking with a lot of people.
- Where possible, seasonal foods. I am aware however that we have following in both hemispheres, so I will aim to do recipes that all people and cook at some stage.
- A little bit more of a lifestyle/personal touch. I love to be able to post a picture of myself, or places that we have been, I feel it adds a personal touch to the blog, and engages the audience, rather than just focusing on food. All the posts will be about food, but Instagram will show a little more outside of that. In saying that, it will take me a little longer to get some quality content back on the insta page!
- Reviews of our favourite restaurants, or food/beverage places in Portland, and wherever we have travelled. I love travelling and would love to share some of the things we have done and the places we have eaten.
- Having Australian followers and American followers, I aim to do my best making my recipes suited for each area. Therefore, I will have the metric and imperial measurements and alternative names (for example, cilantro/coriander). I am still working on figuring out imperial, give me time!
I am sure that over the years there will be so much more to come, but for now I will leave it at that.
Thank you for your support of Healthy Pears over the past year, and I do hope you continue to follow us on our new journey! I will also say thank you in advance for being patient with the blog as we iron out a few technical issues as well!
Peace out - Georgie x
More of what you have to look forward to...
Vietnamese Beef Salad www.thehomecookskitchen.com
Honey Glazed Brussels Sprouts www.thehomecookskitchen.com
Homemade Vegetarian Pizza www.thehomecookskitchen.com
Seafood Risotto www.thehomecookskitchen.com
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